
from tropical shores floats my thoughts to you…

a handful of coral sand ruffles in your hands’ warm clasp,the rolling sound of waves spins air in gentle folds along your cheek,the soft caress of layered pristine sands press gently beneath your feet,plummets of fog lazily slipping between jets of deep green,a spray of blues so vividly and widely colored your language inadequately names…


Via the satelite

Hello! well, here i am in the pacific, there is no wifi, no adsl : only satelite internet access, so no pictures can be uploaded and my time is on line is hence very limited. A proper summary of my last days in LA will follow latter, what i can say is that I had…

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Burning man 2006

Phew! ok, reality? huh? erm… Recovery period is in effect. Burningman… how does one summarize the experience? Well I was there for 7 days, and it had been 4 years since I had been there… Day 1: Monday“wow, wow, wow, fucking hell, holly shit, oh my god, jesus christ, fuck, fuck, fuck, no way!”