one other thing which happened at burningman was i met an expert into the chakras, i’ve been interested in chakras for a while now, ever since i had about 5 of them open over the course of a few years. since i dont know anything about them [other than the experience associated with them being triggered], i was quite eager to learn more, especially abotu the 2 chakras that i have not had open [number 2 and 3].
it turns out chakra 2 is about emotional grounding, and chakra 3 is about excercing of power.
one other thing which happened at burningman was i met an expert into the chakras, i’ve been interested in chakras for a while now, ever since i had about 5 of them open over the course of a few years. since i dont know anything about them [other than the experience associated with them being triggered], i was quite eager to learn more, especially abotu the 2 chakras that i have not had open [number 2 and 3].
it turns out chakra 2 is about emotional grounding, and chakra 3 is about excercing of power.
at first when i heard this i thought it was weird that these were the two remaining keys i needed to discover, but after thinking about it more, it makes sense, as these are definitely two domains i am learning more about… so i have been focusing on these two aspects for a number of weeks now, observing my behavior and seeing how it related to these two points.
yesterday we discovered that we are stuck on rarotonga, since the flight is only once a week. we did a crazy adventure hike through the mountains and now we are going to Aututaki tomorrow for about 4 days before fiji.
glad to see things r looking up for u 🙂
is’nt it amazing being half across the globe and having the same train of thoughts on the same subject at the same timing: xploring the chakras within and how they can influence and direct pure energies…into our life.
i was going to write it in a new blog…being so busy with training and the lethargy of my 4th chakra, delay is then at work but later is anyway and always coming…
today training back in shape took most of my day (10am to 5pm).
i hope ur enjoying ur present paths
avec emerveillement et prĂ©cision de mouvements…this w.e. too, i felt to begin when i can, mouvements of chi kong as danse inner strengh and mental energy. cela peut crĂ©er des miracles en condition physique et aptitudes psychiques comme tĂ©lĂ©pathy, self control and powers of the mind undeveloped.
prends bien soin de toi et passes d’xcellents moments,
Ă bientĂ´t de te lire…
bisous… & lots of love, mam…