Whip northbound, check potatos, slick southwards
Elo, so instead of a gradual travel south, I’ve opted for a rental car from Portland to use to go up into Washington state / Border of Canada. At the moment I’m writing to you from the farm I wanted to stay at; I decided to visit the farm anyways because of all the great things I’d heard. It’s nice here; and its served as a good reminder for how life was in NZ when I was also closer to the land [as it were].
Elo, so instead of a gradual travel south, I’ve opted for a rental car from Portland to use to go up into Washington state / Border of Canada. At the moment I’m writing to you from the farm I wanted to stay at; I decided to visit the farm anyways because of all the great things I’d heard. It’s nice here; and its served as a good reminder for how life was in NZ when I was also closer to the land [as it were].
There are new photos loaded, I’ve finally uploaded pictures from the Symbiosis festival + permaculture intensive. No pictures of Bianca, unfortunately, but I do have pictures of Emily [she’s the first girl in the album]. There are lots of great new friends in here, Asaf, Lindsay, Jeff – to name but a few. I love meeting great new friends all over the place! It truly is a gift.
Ok, I must be off now, have to catch a ferry off this beautiful island in the morning rainy mist! It reminds me here of the sounds in NZ; or of the bay of islands in NZ, or of the archipelagos of islands near Stockholm.
Many blessings,