In rainy June.

Like a light thrust to the moon.
Messa calls, walls rise and slowly gather.
Into the warm waters around the heart.
Howling the husky chow tune, in rainy June.

To dreams of tiny pitter patter.
Crying – tears – laughter.
Embracing their worlds.
Oh so full, their young voices would gather.

Before your present mind. Connected triangle.
Spun and turned.
Rotated and gathered.

A solo sign or two along the road.
Hearts break mind | Falls break fear

Their shoots barely sprout.
Cucumbers broken, others broken and buried.
Their voices still unsung.
Hopes and dreams, like floss – undone.

A drop of blood exchanged for single plucked roses.

A promise ask, no time, no keep.
Crickets come, gripping feet.
Booming sound and 36 deep.

Remembrance to life, left to weep.

Among the shadows, shift changing lights.
Among the tears, flow fields of green.
Against the fears, lay soft layers of cream.
Alongside sleep, lies the candy laden dream.

Nettle queen, she glides in green along the earth.
Searching for life, searching for birth.
Like a light thrust to the moon.
Into the warm waters around the heart.
Howling the husky chow tune, in rainy June.

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