
September renditions

Hello everyone, time has been passing again and there has been little from me on this blog for some time. There has been much growth and many experiences lately, so let me try and recapture some of them…

Up until September the summer was packed with many festivals, lots of work, lots of socializing and a beautiful romantic development with a very special woman named Chelsea, whom I’ve been getting to know more since the last 2 or 3 months:

Hello everyone, time has been passing again and there has been little from me on this blog for some time. There has been much growth and many experiences lately, so let me try and recapture some of them…

Up until September the summer was packed with many festivals, lots of work, lots of socializing and a beautiful romantic development with a very special woman named Chelsea, whom I’ve been getting to know more since the last 2 or 3 months:

Then Burning man came up, but I had just gotten back from Shambala [festival in Canada] and I didn’t feel like it made sense to go; even though I was doubting myself. The last two years I had spent the time making art projects for the event, and going empty handed felt really wrong; I also didn’t feel like I had much personal growth space potential there this year. So I stayed in Portland.

September was a different story though, a difficult month for me; after months of being on high-energy, super-social, super-working and super-productive mode I kinda crashed out and burned a little…

Things started to stress me out, as it felt like many aspects of my life were faltering. Like all my precious artwork that was sent in the mail from France to me, took forever to get here [leading me to think it might have been lost], dentist diagnosis’s of 4,500$ {which led me to do second opinions form other dentists…}, lost a check which needed to get canceled, my mother’s situation has been very difficult though still progressing positively overall [she is now back in Holland!], not getting much work in September meant that I was dipping back into savings to survive {though I didn’t look for work either}

My current house was starting to get to me: hyper-dirty, meat eating and too much TV and, was also been concerned about my love life: wanting to do the right thing, for me and for others; while also wanting to give myself enough time to make decisions so that I know they are based on rational and not emotional factors: but this has proven to be difficult. And finally, to top it off I wanted to work in September on my own projects; like my horticultural software, but progress was slow.

In a string of fortune, like clouds that pass for sunshine when you just wait long enough, most of these things have turned around…

I’ve found an amazing new place to live, moving in between the 1st and 15th of October with beautiful people, vegetarians, out door bathtub, banana tress and veggie garden, shared sauna and beautiful hardwood floors + a private basement space I can use for office/art work! Youpie!

All my art finally arrived, intact, which means I can immediately work on getting gallery expositions whenever I want. Dentist diagnosis was sort-of resolved by getting a second opinion [which was the extreme opposite of: nothing to do for 6 months… go figure]. Work is coming back in full force with 3 or 4 new projects starting/continuing again; and I haven’t even spent any effort looking for new work. Lastly concerning Chelsea and I, there has been good discussion, I’ve been learning, seeing things more clearly, opening up. There has been some good resolution, I’m very much in love.

This weekend a friend Ole and Chelsea and I are going camping in the desert for 3 days + 1 day at a hot spring/massage retreat in the mountains. The leaves are starting to turn colors, its a beautiful time, you can feel winter coming on, the days are colder, the sky more gray, there has been a trickle of rain here and there…

There is a possibility I will have an art show at a technology-arts exhibit; show casing this geometric 2 player game I am inventing/developing; but I am still unaware if it’s realistic that I will be done in time, the amount of code I still need to write is daunting!

Got more art supplies recently too, like a nice drafting table and new technical pens. Also got a great 10$ large sliding door that will work perfectly as a canvas; I still plan on working on some larger pieces through out the winter to have ready for next year.

PlantSoft, my horticultural software project, has been moving forward again; we now officially have a lawyer on the team and she has been good at getting me/us organized enough to put together an official business plan – it’s a monster of a task!!

Sorry to all of you I have not been in more contact, it’s been a general thing and not at all specific.

There are a few new photo albums to see, album 2 was updated with new pictures.



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  1. comment
    Hey there Sebastian, good to hear you are on the other side of the september rough patch! Kathy and I had one around that time as well. Maybe the eclipses and all that stuff…?

    Banana trees in Portland? Tell me more… I’d love to grow some down here, we are at the same distance from the equator. How are they being grown?

  2. comment
    Hi Bruce!

    The Banana trees are a smaller Japanese variety, they don’t flower; which means no banana fruit – but they live well and have beautiful large leaves.

    Yeah, not sure why September was the way it was, but things are better again now, sorry you had a rough time too…

    Greetings from the norther hemisphere and the start of fall,


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