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new home page! art talk, and some personal updates


Well, long silence just then from me. Things have either been shifting so quickly, week-to-week to really pin down a blog report, or I’ve just been very busy working on things!

Because of necessity [mothering invention], I finally got my www.chedal.org website back up!

It’s a very simple page, nothing fancy, but it serves my purposes just fine at the moment and gives a good front end to my artwork.


Well, long silence just then from me. Things have either been shifting so quickly, week-to-week to really pin down a blog report, or I’ve just been very busy working on things!

Because of necessity [mothering invention], I finally got my www.chedal.org website back up!

It’s a very simple page, nothing fancy, but it serves my purposes just fine at the moment and gives a good front end to my artwork.

Which brings me to art. I’ve been working on rescanning and photographing my art with the intent of putting a selection of it on image kind so that you can buy art prints of my work! It’s a simple system, all print-on-demand, so they take care of all the printing and shipping, leaving me time to just make more artwork.

In the mean time I’ve also been casually looking for a space to expose my work, as it is a major objective of this year, but I am not sure right now if it’s going to squeeze into the schedule.

Personally now, there have been a lot of varying directions. Two potential women with whom I could have forged a relationship – but didn’t, alternative plans to Portland considered and pulling me in different directions, my mothers move from Amsterdam to France taking longer than expected and a lot of time spent on my horticultural software development.

I’m very much just going with the flow right now, and honestly still not sure where life is going to take me this year. I feel right now more like a leaf on a calm river than an arrow aiming for a target. My days are spent at home, working on projects, or helping my mother – costs are low, but there is no income to speak of – so there are eventual limits to this phase.

In a few days I leave again for France, this time we are going to Montpelier, I’ve visited there before – some 8 or 9 years ago with two friends: Ruby and Chimed – and loved it. So I think it will be a good place for my mother to settle… warm Mediterranean sea, mountains and forest close at hand, lots of art, music, concerts, theater, good weather, nice people… it sounds good to me.

Hope you are all having a good year, mine has been filled already with the symbology of Mars, ideals of work ethics, environmental work, programming and art work.

Bye again for now, hope you like the new home page + art work.

With kind,


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One Comment

  1. comment
    Montpelier also got good reports from two close friends of mine that visited recently.

    I identify with the leaf on a calm river, except that my river is RAGING! Things go best when I just let it carry me along, but wanting to control and direct things as I have in the past (or have I?) is hard to give up completely. And yet relying on crazy random shit and faith is somehow getting the job done.

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