
Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics is an integral world-view promoted by the likes of Ken Wilber, Steve Macintosh and others. It describes various stages of cultural development along the path towards greater degrees of awareness / consciousness. While I do have my criticism which pertains primarily to the projected stages beyond our current one, the theory is quite…


Applying discipline

So, in my quest to really get good health this year, I’m directly applying some of the learnings I have had from last year. Last year, 2009, was the year of “12 paradigm shifts and a stronger (emotional) core”. Some serious catching up as required as some point, as I would like to go into…

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Body building!

Well, this year has started off to a tee, I made my wish for: “perfect health”, and the first thing I did, after more than a week of being low-energy and sick over new years, was to drop my daily yoga, and start up on coffee again… after my health started to drop again, and…

New website!

Hello everyone, Welcome to my new Chedal.org website. For now, this website will focus just on my Blog — since this is the part of my website which has suffered the most in the last 2 years. I was using chedal.blogspot.com for my blog, but then I wanted more features, so I moved to Joomla….


starting a new year…

Right, I’ve thought about where I am and where I want to go, and here is my plan for next year: step1: do a vipassana 10 day silent-meditation course. I’ve been meaning to now for years and it’s time I do it. I’m aiming for February 2009. step2: follow a permaculture-teacher-training course. Even though I…