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left-right brain video

here is an interesting video about a brain scientist who has a stroke and then gives her person story on how those effects translate to her life and study.


20 min long, heart touching.

here is an interesting video about a brain scientist who has a stroke and then gives her person story on how those effects translate to her life and study.


20 min long, heart touching.

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  1. comment
    Yeah I liked it. Pretty far out. I’m not sure about the right brain left brain though, I can imagine there would be some massive endorphine release and crossed wires in that situation which might also explain some of her experience. I suppose her interpretation has a lot to do with her being a brain scientist and others might interpret it very differently. Interesting none the less.

  2. comment
    After further thought, I am not too sure I agree with all of her comments, though I do think that her video is still really moving and worth seeing for sure!

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